The dual encoding (originally called dual graph
encoding) was inspired by work in relational databases. In the
dual encoding (DE) [Dechter PearlDechter Pearl1989] the variables are swapped with
constraints and vice versa. Each constraint of the original
non-binary CSP is represented by a variable which we call a
dual variable and denote by
. We refer to the variables of
the original non-binary CSP as original variables. The
domain of each dual variable
consists of the set of allowed
tuples in the original constraint
. Binary constraints between
two dual variables
exist iff
. That is, iff the constraints
share one or more original variables. If
is the set
of original variables common to
then a tuple
is supported in the constraint between
iff there exists a tuple
such that
Consider the following example with six variables with 0-1 domains, and four constraints:
In the rest of this paper, we will sometimes denote by
the non-binary constraint that is encoded by dual variable
For an original variable
will denote the position of
For instance, given a constraint
on variables
Nikolaos Samaras 2005-11-09