Below is a table of all requirements in PPDDL1.0. Some requirements imply others; some are abbreviations for common sets of requirements. If a domain stipulates no requirements, it is assumed to declare a requirement for :strips.
Requirement | Description |
:strips | Basic STRIPS-style adds and deletes |
:typing | Allow type names in declarations of variables |
:equality | Support = as built-in predicate |
:negative-preconditions | Allow negated atoms in goal descriptions |
:disjunctive-preconditions | Allow disjunctive goal descriptions |
:existential-preconditions | Allow exists in goal descriptions |
:universal-preconditions | Allow forall in goal descriptions |
:quantified-preconditions | = :existential-preconditions |
+ :universal-preconditions | |
:conditional-effects | Allow when and forall in action effects |
:probabilistic-effects | Allow probabilistic in action effects |
:rewards | Allow reward fluent in action effects and |
optimization metric | |
:fluents | Allow numeric state variables |
:adl | = :strips + :typing + :equality |
+ :negative-preconditions | |
+ :disjunctive-preconditions | |
+ :quantified-preconditions | |
+ :conditional-effects | |
:mdp | = :probabilistic-effects + :rewards |
Håkan L. S. Younes