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Same-World Labelled Mutexes

There are several types of mutexes that can be added to the $ LUG$ . To start with, we only concentrate on those that can evolve in a single possible world because same-world mutexes are more effective as well as relatively easy to understand. We extend the mutex propagation that was used in the multiple graphs so that the mutexes are on one planning graph. The savings of computing mutexes on the $ LUG$ instead of multiple graphs is that we can reduce computation when a mutex exits in several worlds. In Appendix B we describe how to handle cross-world mutexes, despite their lack of effectiveness in the experiments we conducted. Cross-world mutexes extend the $ LUG$ to compute the same set of mutexes found by CGP [30].

Same-world mutexes can be represented with a single label, $ \hat{\ell}_k(x_1, x_2)$ , between two elements (actions, effect, or literals). The mutex holds between elements $ x_1$ and $ x_2$ in all worlds $ S$ where $ S \models \hat{\ell}_k(x_1, x_2)$ . If the elements are not mutex in any world, we can assume the label of a mutex between them is false $ \perp$ . We discuss how the labelled mutexes are discovered and propagated for actions, effect relations, and literals.

By using mutexes, we can refine what it means for a formula $ f$ to be reachable from a set of worlds $ BS_P$ . We must ensure that for every state in $ BS_P$ , there exists a state of $ f$ that is reachable. A state $ S'$ of $ f$ is reachable from a state $ S$ of $ BS_P$ when there are no two literals in $ S'$ that are mutex in world $ S$ and $ BS_P \models \ell_k^*(S)$ .

In each of the action, effect, and literal layers there are multiple ways for the same pair of elements to become mutex (e.g. interference or competing needs). Thus, the mutex label for a pair is the disjunction of all labelled mutexes found for the pair by some means.

Action Mutexes: The same-world action mutexes at a level $ k$ are a set of labelled pairs of actions. Each pair is labelled with a formula that indicates the set of possible worlds where the actions are mutex. The possible reasons for mutex actions are interference and competing needs.

Effect Mutexes: The effect mutexes are a set of labelled pairs of effects. Each pair is labelled with a formula that indicates the set of possible worlds where the effects are mutex. The possible reasons for mutex effects are associated action mutexes, interference, competing needs, or induced effects.

Literal Mutexes: The literal mutexes are a set of labelled pairs of literals. Each pair is labelled with a formula that indicates the set of possible worlds where the literals are mutex. The only reason for mutex literals is inconsistent support.

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