An agent reasoning about summary information to make planning decisions at abstract levels needs to first be able to reason about CHiPs. In this section we complete the semantics of CHiPs by describing how they affect the state over time. Because an agent can execute a plan in many different ways and in different contexts, we need to be able to quantify over possible worlds (or histories) where agents fulfill their plans in different ways. After defining a history, we define a run as the transformation of state over time as a result of the history of executions. The formalization of histories and runs follows closely to that of RAK in describing multiagent execution.
A state of a world, , is a truth
assignment to a set of propositions, each representing an aspect of
the environment. We will refer to the state as the set of true
propositional variables.
A history,
, is a tuple
is the
set of all
plan executions of all agents occurring in
, and
is the initial state of
before any plan begins executing. So, a history
is a hypothetical
world that begins with
as the initial state and where only
executions in
occur. In particular, a history for the manufacturing domain
might have an initial state as shown in
Figure 1 where all parts and machines are available,
and both transports are free. The set of executions
would contain
the execution of
, and their subexecutions.
A run, , is a function mapping a history and time point to states. It gives a
complete description of how the state of the world evolves over time,
where time ranges over the positive real numbers.
Axiom 1 states that the
world is in the initial state at time zero.
Axiom 2 states that a predicate is true at time
if it was already true beforehand, or a plan asserts
with an incondition or postcondition at
, but (in either case) no plan asserts
. If a plan starts at
, then its inconditions are asserted right after the start,
, where
is a small positive real number.
Axiom 2 also indicates that both inconditions and postconditions are effects.
The state of a resource
is a level value (integer or real). For consumable resource
usage, a task that depletes a resource is modeled to instantaneously
deplete the resource (subtract from the current state) at the
start of the task by the full amount. For non-consumable resource
usage, a task also depletes the usage amount at the start of the
task, but the usage is restored (added back to the resource state) at
the end of execution. A task can replenish a resource by having a
. We will refer to the level of a resource
at time
in a history
. Axioms 3
and 4 describe these calculations for consumable and
non-consumable resources, respectively.
Now that we have described how CHiPs change the state, we can specify the conditions under which an execution succeeds or fails. As stated formally in Definition 1, an execution succeeds if: the plan's preconditions are met at the start; the postconditions are met at the end; the inconditions are met throughout the duration (not including the start or end); all used resources stay within their value limits throughout the duration; and all executions in the decomposition succeed. Otherwise, the execution fails.