A local search planner (e.g. ASPEN, rabideau:00) does not backtrack, but the problem to be solved is the same, so one might expect that complexity advantages are the same as for the refinement planner. However, the search operations for the local search planner can be very different. A previous study of a technique called aggregation eliminates search inefficiencies at lower levels of detail in task hierarchies by operating on hierarchies as single tasks [Knight, Rabideau, Chien, 2000]. Thus, it is not immediately clear what additional improvements a scheduler could obtained using summary information. We will show that the improvements are significant, but first we must provide more background on aggregation.
Moving tasks is a central scheduling operation in iterative repair planners. A planner can more effectively schedule tasks by moving related groups of tasks to preserve constraints among them. Hierarchical task representations are a common way of representing these groups and their constraints. Aggregation involves moving a fully detailed abstract task hierarchy while preserving the temporal ordering constraints among the subtasks. Moving individual tasks independently of their parent, siblings, and subtasks is shown to be much less efficient [Knight, Rabideau, Chien, 2000]. Valid placements of the task hierarchy in the schedule are computed from the state and resource usage profiles for the hierarchy and for the other tasks in the context of the movement. A hierarchy's profile represents one instantiation of the decomposition and temporal ordering of the most abstract task in the hierarchy.
Consider a schedule of task hierarchies with a maximum branching
expanded to a maximum depth of
as shown in Figure
19. Suppose each hierarchy has
constraints on
each of
variables (states or metric resources). To move a
hierarchy of tasks using aggregation, the scheduler must compute valid intervals
for each resource variable affected by the hierarchy.7 The scheduler then
intersects these
intervals to get valid placements for the abstract
tasks and their children. The complexity of computing the set of
valid intervals for a resource is
is the number of
constraints (usages) an abstract task has with its children for the
variable, and
is the number of constraints of other tasks in the
schedule on the variable [Knight, Rabideau, Chien, 2000]. With
task hierarchies in the entire schedule, then
, and the
complexity of computing valid intervals is
. But this
computation is done for each of
resource variables (often constant
for a domain), so moving a task will have a complexity of
The intersection of valid intervals across variables does not increase
the complexity. Its complexity is
because there can be at
valid intervals for each timeline; intersecting intervals
for a pair of timelines is linear with the number of intervals; and
pairs of timelines need to be intersected to get the
intersection of the set.
The summary information of an abstract task represents all of the
constraints of its children, but if the children share constraints
over the same resource, this information is
collapsed into a single summary resource usage in the abstract
task. Therefore, when moving an abstract task, the number of
different constraints involved may be far fewer depending on the domain. If
the scheduler is trying to place a summarized abstract task among
other summarized tasks, the computation of valid placement
intervals can be greatly reduced because the in
smaller. We now consider the two extreme cases where constraints can be
fully collapsed and where they cannot be collapsed at all.
In the case that all tasks in a hierarchy have constraints on
the same variable, the number of constraints in a hierarchy is
for a hierarchy of depth
and branching factor (number of
child tasks per parent)
. In aggregation, where hierarchies
are fully detailed first, this means that the complexity of moving a
task is
. Now consider using
aggregation for moving a partially expanded hierarchy where the
leaves are summarized abstract tasks. If all
hierarchies in the schedule are decomposed to level
, there are
tasks in a hierarchy, each with one summarized
constraint representing those of all of the yet undetailed subtasks
beneath it for each constraint variable. So
, and the complexity of
moving the task is
. Thus, moving an abstract
task using summary information can be a factor of
times faster than for aggregation.
Because the worst case number of conflicts increases with the number of plan steps
(just as with the refinement planner), the worst case complexity of resolving
conflicts based on the number of plan steps at level
Thus (as with refinement planning) using summary information
can make speedups of
when summary information
fully collapses.
The other extreme is when all of the tasks place constraints on
different variables. In this case, because any hierarchy can
only have one constraint per variable. Fully detailed hierarchies
different variables,
so the complexity of moving a task in this
case is
. If moving a summarized abstract task where all
tasks in the schedule are decomposed to level
is the
same because the abstract task summarizes all constraints for
each subtask in the hierarchy beneath it, and each of those
constraints are on different variables such that no constraints
combine when summarized. Thus, the complexity for moving a partially
expanded hierarchy is the same as for a fully
expanded one.
In this case, the number of conflicts also does not change with the depth
of the hierarchy because the conflicts are always between pairs of the
hierarchies. So, for this other extreme case, summary information does not reduce the complexity of scheduling and would only incur unnecessary overhead.
Other complexity analyses have shown that different forms of hierarchical problem solving, if they do not need to backtrack from lower to higher levels because there are no interacting subproblems,
can reduce the size of the search space by an exponential factor
[Korf, 1987,Knoblock, 1991].
A planner or scheduler using summary information can witness exponential improvements without this assumption.
Backtracking across abstraction levels occurs within the
planner/coordinator described in Section 5.1 when the current search state
is and another
subplan on the same or higher
level can be selected. We demonstrated that the search space grows
doubly exponentially down the hierarchy because the number of plans
grows exponentially, and resolving conflicts grows exponentially with
the number of plans. Thus, as long as the planner or coordinator does not have
to fully expand all abstract plans to the primitive level and summary information merges at higher levels, the search
complexity is reduced at least by a factor of
is the level where the search completed, and
is the depth of the
hierarchy. yang:97 also suggests ways exponential speedups
can be obtained when subplans interact based on hierarchy structure.
Our speedups are complementary to these because summary information
limits the decomposition of task hierarchies and compresses the
information manipulated by a planner or scheduler.