The algorithms for determining whether the defined relations hold
between summary conditions for plans in use a point algebra
constraint table [Vilain, Kautz, 1986]. This point algebra
table is constructed for the interval endpoints corresponding to the
executions of the plans in
; a row and column for both
(start endpoint of execution
) and
(finish endpoint) are added for each plan
. Each cell of the table gives a time point constraint of the
row to the column that can be
, or empty.
means that the points are unconstrained. If a cell is empty, then there are no allowed temporal relations, indicating inconsistency.
Table 1 shows a point algebra table for plans
where they are constrained such that
's execution contains
that of
. Table 2 shows a table where just the start
is constrained to be earlier than the start of
. Both are
transitive closures of these constraint relations. Table
1 can be computed from Table 2 by
(by putting
in the cell of row
and column
) and then computing the transitive
closure, an
algorithm for
points [Vilain, Kautz, 1986]. After
the transitive closure is computed, the constraints of any point on
any other point can be looked up in constant time.
Similarly, the constraints in for
can be added to the
table, and the transitive closure can be computed to get all
constraints entailed from those in
. This only needs to be
done once for any
to determine
relationships defined in the next section.
We determine that a plan in
's subplans is temporally ordered
if and only if [
] is
constrained [before, after] or equal to all other points in the point
algebra table for
's subplans. This is done by looking at each
entry in the row for [
] and checking to see that the
constraint is [
, or [
]. If this is not
the case, then
is not-always-[
is always-not-[
] if and only if in the
row for [
] there is an entry with the [
constraint; otherwise, it is sometimes-[
An interval is covered by a set of intervals
if and only no interval can be found that
and intersects nothing in
. Our particular
covering problem describes the intervals in terms of a partial order
over endpoints, so we represent these intervals in a point algebra
An algorithm for the covering problem is to check to
see if
is covered by looking at all pairs of intervals to see if
they overlap.
is not covered if (1) either no intervals in
meet either
, (2) there are any intervals that have an endpoint that is
contained only by
and do not meet the opposite endpoint of another
interval in
or an endpoint of
, or (3) there are no intervals
. Otherwise,
is covered. Examples are given in Figure 34.
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