The majority of the formal sections of this paper will explore the
phenomenon of factoring. In particular, we will explore how policies
for factorable environments can be composed from policies for the
factors. In state-machine models of environments, factorization is
the factorization of the state-space; the environment's state-space
is a Cartesian product of other state-spaces. The environment,
as a whole, is ``factorable'' into its component sub-environments.
For example, the position of the king on a chess board has row and
column components. It can be thought of as the ``product'' of those
components, each if which is isomorphic to (since there are
eight rows and eight columns). If we consider an environment in which
a car drives through an
grid of city blocks, we
see that it too is a kind of product of
with itself. Both
environments have
grids as state spaces, but the car
environment only allows one component to change at a time, whereas the
king environment allows both to change.
We must therefore distinguish different kinds of factorization.
We will call the chessboard case the parallel product of
with itself, while the car case is its serial
We will focus on another kind of factorization later. Let the
Cartesian product of two functions f and g be
, and let i be the identity
function. For two environments
, we will define the parallel product to be
and the serial product to be
The products of DCPs are defined in the obvious way:
The state diagram for is shown in Figure
We will say that an environment or DCP is parallel (or serial) separable if it is isomorphic to a product of environments or DCPs.