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The following deliberative strategy was adopted for building
the case library. When a new problem contains n goals,
the first goal is attempted, and, if solved, the case covering this
goal alone is stored in the library. Problem-solving continues
by increasing the problem size by one goal at a time.
For example, if the problem just attempted contained the goal set,
and was solved through a
decision sequence Di
then a second decision sequence, Di+1, is stored
Di cannot be replayed and extended to achieve
the next goal gi+1. Whenever the replayed derivation path
fails, and the recovery
phase is successful in producing a new solution, the explanation
for the case retrieval failure is used to identify a subset of
negatively interacting input goals,
,that are responsible for the failure.
If the replayed path fails to be extended,
and is backtracked over to reach a solution to the new problem, then
the new successful derivation is passed to the storer along
with the failure explanation. The explanation is used to delete
from the derivation any decisions which are not relevant to
the set of negatively interacting goals, N. This reduced derivation
is then stored in the library as the repairing case.
Alternatively, whenever the next goal in the set is solved
through simple extension of
the previous decision sequence, no case is stored which includes that goal.
This storage strategy entails two important properties.
(1) Each new case corresponds to either
a new single-goal problem or to a multi-goal problem containing
negatively interacting goals. (2) All of the plan
derivations arising from a single
problem-solving episode are different in that
no decision sequence stored in the library is a prefix of
another stored case. This is because no case is added to the library
when a new problem is solved by extending a retrieved case.
New cases are stored only when
some of the previous decisions need to be backtracked over
in the search for a new solution.
DERSNLP+EBL's strategy of restricting multi-goal cases to those with
goals which are negatively interacting serves to ameliorate the mis-retrieval
The more experience that the planner has in
problem-solving, the more of these
interactions are discovered, and the less likely
it is that the planner
has to backtrack over its replayed paths.
The aim is to eventually have in
the library a minimal number of cases
such that all of the problems encountered may be
achieved by successfully merging multiple instances
of stored cases. The approach is therefore to retain cases based
on their competence
as well as their performance
Figure 13:
A logistics transportation example illustrating
multi-case storage. The figure shows
two plans produced by two stored derivations.
Case A
achieves the goal of having a single packages, OB1, transported to
the destination airport, ld. Case B
achieves the goal of having OB1 and OB2
located at the same airport.
Next: An Example of DERSNLP+EBL's
Up: Improving Case Storage and
Previous: An Example of a