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We measure three aspects of the learning process: the resources consumed
during learning, the characteristics of the resulting macro set and
its utility:
- Learning resources: The resources consumed
during the learning process until the learning system decides that
it has learned enough. Note that the quiescence parameter significantly
affects the
learning resources. A higher value for this parameter
increases resource consumption, but also decreases the
likelihood that the problem solver will encounter a local minimum
during testing.
- Training problems: The total number of problems solved
during training. The problem with this dependent
variable is that it ignores the time invested in the search and the time
invested in generating training problems.
- Operator applications: Since the basic operation that is
used both in search and in problem generation is the application of a basic
operator to a state, we use the total number of operator applications
as the principle measurement for the learning
resources consumed.
- Macro-set statistics: Statistics about the characteristics
of the generated macro set.
- Total number: The total number of macros acquired
during the learning session.
- Mean Length: The average length of a macro.
- Max length: The maximum length of a macro. This variable
approximates the maximum radius.
- The utility of the acquired macros:
According to Equation 2, the utility of the acquired
macros depends on the cost of the search when using them. Therefore,
our principle dependent variable should measure problem-solving speed.
- CPU time: The most
obvious candidate for measuring problem-solving speed is
CPU time spent
during search. However, such a measurement is overly affected by
irrelevant factors such as hardware7, software and
programming quality.
- Expanded nodes: The number of nodes expanded during the
search. This is a common method for measuring search speed.
Nevertheless, this measurement may be misleading
in the context of macro-learning, since the branching factor
increases when acquiring macros.
- Generated nodes: The number of nodes generated during
search. This measurement takes into account the increased branching
factor, but it does not account for the higher cost of generating a
node by a macro due to the application of several basic operators.
- Operator applications: The number of applications of a basic operator
to a state. Note that we count every application,
including those which are part of macro-operators and
those which fail. This is the principle dependent
variable, as it represents most accurately the problem-solving speed.
- Solution quality: Macro-learning is not a suitable
technique when the macros are used by an optimizing search
procedure [20].
We are still interested, however, in the quality of the solution
obtained. We measure the quality of the solution by its
length in basic operators.
Next: Independent Variables
Up: Experimental Methodology
Previous: Experimental Methodology
Shaul Markovitch