Initial Proposal for ICS

Out of all the competitions that members of YCN attends, and out of all the friends that we make, there is very little chance to dance with them. Socials the day before the comp are usually spent getting in some last minute practicing with your partner. General dancing during the comp is spent resting or preparing for the next heat. General dancing after a comp is okay, but you are usually really tired or not in the mood to ballroom anymore. Generally, we have all of these ballroom dance friends that we hardly ever dance with.
An intercollegiate social where the idea is to dance around. Where dancing with your partner is discouraged. Ideally, it would be located on the calendar a good distance away from an upcoming comp so that the temptation to practice would be less.
Proposed date:
Saturday, August 31
*** This is Labor Day weekend. Students would be able to come to the social for a day and not feel incredibly pressured to hurry and get back for school.

*** School would have just started or just about to start. People will not have much work and will probably be VERY in the mood to dance (having probably not danced much over the summer).

*** This could be a last road trip effort of the summer.

*** There will have been little to few comps over the summer and the first comp of the year is not for a another couple of weeks.
Proposed Location:
Pittsburgh, PA

We took a map and circled all the cities that have ballroom clubs. It turns out that we have a heavy concentration on the east coast and a heavy concentration in the middle. Pittsburgh appears to be right in the center. Unfortunately no one is especially close, but it does appear to be in the center. If we assume that people would be willing to travel up to 6 hours for this social, we could collect 18-22 schools here. That would be quite impressive.