15-853: Algorithms in the Real World (Guy Blelloch, Fall 01)

Readings, Notes and Slides

Note that we will not have slides from all the lectures. Some lectures will be given on the board, and some slides will be hand done.


Web page




Web page



Error Correcting Codes

Web page


  • Scribe notes from last year.
  • Error Detecting and Correcting Codes (scribe notes by Daniel Maynes-Aminzade and Andrew Faulring).
  • Reed-Solomon Codes (scribe notes by Anton Likhodedov and Trey Smith).
  • Decoding Reed-Solomon Codes (scribe notes by Amitabh Sinha).
  • Tornado Codes (scribe notes by Sonesh Surana).
  • Slides

    Linear and Integer Programming

    Web page


    These readings will be/have been given out in class.
  • Gilbert Strang. Linear Algebra and its Applications. Third Edition. Chapter 8 (Linear programming and game theory).
    This is the most concise and clear introduction to the simplex method I have read and it also contains a short description of Karmakar's interior-point method. If you have another source you have already used and feel comfortable with, feel free to read it instead.
  • Linear Programming 2 (Steven Czerwinski). Scribe notes on interior-point methods from a previous version of the course.
  • Bradley, Hax and Magnanti Applied Mathematical Programming. Chapter 9 (Integer Programming).
  • G. L. Nemhauser. The age of optimization: solving large-scale real-world problems. This paper has some overlap with the previous paper but concentrates on applications.
  • These are some other potentially usefull readings
  • E. L. Johnson and G. L. Nemhauser. Recent developments and future directions in mathematical programming. This is a good overview of optimization techniques including both linear and integer programming.
  • Robert Freund and Shinji Mizuno. Interior Point Methods: Current Status and Future Directions This is a good overview of interior point methods, and is available online.
  • Slides

    Computational Biology and Sequence Matching

    Web page

    Scribe Notes


    Indexing and Searching

    Web page


    Handed out during class, and available outside Keith Ledonne's office (Wean 7116).
  • Chapters 3 and 4 from: Ian H. Witten, Alistair Moffat, and Timothy C. Bell. Managing Gigabytes: Compressing and Indexing Documents and Images.
  • Scribe Notes

    Back to the Algorithms in the Real World page (V. 2001).
    Guy Blelloch, guyb@cs.cmu.edu.