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This section defines NESL. It is not meant as a formal semantics
but, along with the full definition of the syntax in Appendix A
and description of all the built-in functions in Appendix B,
it should serve as an adequate description of the language. NESL is
a strict first-order strongly-typed language with the following data
four primitive atomic data types: booleans (bool),
integers (int), characters (char), and floats (float);
the primitive sequence type;
the primitive pair type;
and user definable compound datatypes;
and the following operations:
a set of predefined functions on the primitive types;
three primitive constructs: a conditional construct if, a
binding construct let, and the apply-to-each construct;
and a function constructor, function, for defining
new functions.
This section covers each of these topics.
Jonathan Hardwick
Tue Nov 28 13:57:00 EST 1995