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The following defines regular expressions for the lexical classes of
tokens. The grammatical conventions are:
All uppercase letters can either be upper or lower case. NESL
case insensitive.
The brackets ( ) enclose an expression. The brackets [ ]
enclose a character set, any one of which must match. The expression
0-9 within square brackets means all digits and the expression A-Z
means all letters. The symbol as the first character within
square brackets means a compliment character set (all characters
excepting the following ones).
The symbol * means the previous expression can be repeated as
many times as needed, the symbol + means the previous expression
can be repeated as many times as needed but at least once, and the
symbol ? means the previous expression can be matched either
once or not at all.
Jonathan Hardwick
Tue Nov 28 13:57:00 EST 1995