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Conversion Functions

btoi(a) {bool tex2html_wrap_inline10026 int}
  Converts the boolean values t and f into 1 and 0, respectively.

code_char(a) {int tex2html_wrap_inline10028 char}
  Converts an integer to a character. The integer must be the code for a valid character.

char_code(a) {char tex2html_wrap_inline10030 int}
  Converts a character to its integer code.

float(v) {int tex2html_wrap_inline10032 float}
  Converts an integer to a floating-point number.

ceil(v) {float tex2html_wrap_inline10034 int}
  Converts a floating-point number to an integer by truncating toward positive infinity.

floor(v) {float tex2html_wrap_inline10036 int}
  Converts a floating-point number to an integer by truncating toward negative infinity.

trunc(v) {float tex2html_wrap_inline10038 int}
  Converts a floating-point number to an integer by truncating toward zero.

round(v) {float tex2html_wrap_inline10040 int}
  Converts a floating-point number to an integer by rounding to the nearest integer; if the number is exactly halfway between two integers, then it is implementation specific to which integer it is rounded.

Jonathan Hardwick
Tue Nov 28 13:57:00 EST 1995