@v {a [char] :: (a in any)}
Given any printable object v, @ converts it into
its printable representation as a character string.
exp_string(val, digits_after_point) {(float, int) [char]}
Prints a floating-point number in exponential notation. The second
argument specifies how many digits should be printed after the decimal
point (currently this cannot be larger than 8).
str || l {([char], int) [char]}
Pads a string str into a string of length l with
the string left justified. If l is negative, then the
string is right justified.
linify(str) {[char] [[char]]}
Breaks up a string into lines (a sequence of strings). Only
a newline is considered a separator. All separators are removed.
wordify(str) {[char] [[char]]}
Breaks up a string into words (a sequence of strings). Either a space,
tab, or newline is considered a separator. All separators are removed.
lowercase(char) {char char}
Converts a character string into lowercase characters.
uppercase(char) {char char}
Converts a character string into uppercase characters.
string_eql(str1, str2) {([char], [char]) bool}
Compares two strings for equality without regards to case.
parse_int(str) {[char] (int, bool)}
Parses a character string into an integer. Returns the integer and a
flag specifying whether the string was successfully parsed. The
string must be in the format: [+-]?[0..9]*.
parse_float(str) {[char] (float, bool)}
Parses a character string into an float. Returns the float and a
flag specifying whether the string was successfully parsed.
The string must be in the format: