Simplicial complex library contains the definition and implementation of simplicial complexes and simplicial sets for arbitrary dimensions. The library allows the programmer to build a simplicial complex or a set, associate data with the contained simplices, operate on the contained simplices and data, and query the complex or the set with powerful library functions.
In some dimension d, a vertex is
a point in the d-dimensional space. A simplex is the convex hull of d+1
vertices. For example, a triangle is a simplex in 2 dimensions (or a
2-dimensional simplex). A simplex can be represented as an unordered
set of vertices, for example, {a, b, c} represents a triangle
with corners a, b, and c. In many
applications, however, it is important to tell whether a vertex lies
inside or outside of a simplex (or equivalently, whether a vertex is
visible or not from the simplex). To do this, we use an oriented simplex . In two dimension, an oriented
simplex, a triangle, has two orientations, an inside and an outside
determined by the ordering of its vertices. Hence, we use an ordered
set to represent oriented simplices, for examples, (a, b, c)
represents the inside, and (c, b, a) represents the outside
of the triangle {a, b, c}. A
face of a simplex is a one lower dimensional simplex
belonging to the simplex. For example, the line
Oriented simplices are building blocks of simplicial complexes and
sets. I will refer to an oriented simplex simply as a simplex from
now on. The library provide facilities to enable the programmer to
create a simplex from an ordered set of vertices corresposponsing to
its corners and manipulate the simplex. Based on simplices, we define
a simplicial complex as a set of
fixed-dimensional simplices satisfying the following condition. The
intersection of two d-dimensional simplices is a face of the
intersecting simplices. A simplicial
set is similar to a simplicial complex but more general. A
simplicial set allows three or more simplices share the same face.
A simplicial complex operates on oriented simplices. The programmer
can create a simplicial complex by calling the new function and
passing the dimension of the simplicial complex as a parameter. The
programmer can then create and add simplices to the simplicial
complex. The interface allows the programmer to remove a simplex from
the simplicial complex, search for arbitrary dimensional simplices, or
find simplices that has a given simplex as a face in the simplicial
complex. Also the programmer can associate data with each simplex;
the library provides additional functions to extract or manipulate the
data associated with a simplex.
Much like a simplicial complex, a simplicial set can be built by
creating an empty set and subsequently adding and removing simplices
from the set. Unlike a simplicial complex, however, a simplicial set
operates on unoriented simplices. Simplicial sets provide the
programmer with functions similar to the simplicial complexes to
manipulate the data and the simplices in the set, as well as query the
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