November 1 |
David Blei,
Fast and flexible clustering---nonparametric Bayesian methods in machine learning
October 18 |
Daniel Neill,
Rapid Detection of Significant Spatial Clusters
October 4 |
ICML 2004 Conference Review Session.
September 27 |
UAI/KDD 2004 Conference Review Session.
September 20 |
Mark Fuhs,
Mixture Modeling and Spatial
Representations in the Rat Hippocampus
August 31 (Tuesday) |
Zoubin Ghahramani &
Katherine Heller,
Bayesian Hierarchical Clustering
(Venue: NSH 3305, Time: 2:00 pm)
August 23 |
Matthias Seeger,
Sparse Multi Gaussian Process Methods:
Multi-way Classification and beyond
(Venue: Wean Hall 4623)
May 10 |
Jeremy Kubica,
Group Detection and Link Analysis
May 3 |
Sunita Sarawagi,
Exploiting Dictionaries in Named Entity Extraction via Semi-Markov Models
April 26 |
Zoubin Ghahramani,
Gaussian Processes and Extensions
April 19 |
Yuan Qi,
Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models
April 12 |
Hakan L Younes,
Decision-Theoretic Planning with Asynchronous Events
March 22 |
Ziv Bar-Joseph,
Computational challenges in the analysis of time series gene
expression data
March 15 |
Russell Greiner,
Bayesian Error-Bars for Belief Net Inference
March 1 |
Anthony Brockwell,
Mind-Machine Interfacing: Neural Decoding by Particle Filtering
February 23 |
John Langford,
Reductions in Machine Learning
February 16 |
Larry Wasserman,
Statistics With Balls and Envelopes
February 9 |
Rahul Sukthankar,
Complete Cross-Validation
February 2 |
NIPS 2003 Conference Review Session.
Dave Ferguson,
Robotic Mine Mapping
Mark V. Albert,
Geometric Clustering using the Information Bottleneck method
Allison Bruce,
Hierarchical Topic Models and the Nested Chinese Restaurant Process
January 26 |
NIPS 2003 Conference Review Session.
Drew Bagnell,
Policy Search by Dynamic Programming
Joelle Pineau &
Drew Bagnell,
Planning in the Real World
Maxim Likhach,
ARA*: Anytime A* with Provable Bounds on Sub-Optimality