Unified Theories of Cognition: Attention
From Unified Theories of Cognition, pp. 263-264:
Attend is the operator that brings cognition to focus on the
stimulus element. The duration associated with attend has several
functionally necessary components. For voluntary attention, there
may be a delay prior to selection of attend, measured from when the
stimulus is available in working memory. Such a delay would be
absent for an interruption. There must be a search for the
stimulus elements, though this is likely to require an essentially
fixed duration, since all of the usual problems associated with
search (choice of directions, rejection of candidates, and the
like) occur at the level of the decision cycle. It is important to
note that preparation may be possible so that attend need not occur
at all. The system must already be located at the place where the
stimulus element will arrive, and must expect it there. Note that
attend is not an eye-movement operation.
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