Pilot/E2: Take Comm Control

Communicative Goal

The purpose of this exchange is to signal a change in the control over communication from the E2 to the pilot. In general, the E2 has superior information and thus control over the discourse during acquisition of a target. Once the pilot has radar/visual contact on the correct target, this discourse turn signals that the pilot needs only information to maintain situational awareness. AIC/GCI will minimize radio transmissions. In general, further communication with the E2 will be at the pilot's instigation.


Tacair state

Discourse model


        <ack> = [<mycs>] roger [<info>] | roger [<yourcs>] | copy [<info>]
	<tc> = judy


The discourse pattern between pilot (P) and E2 (E) is simply:
        P: <tc>
        E: <ack>

Utterance model

Situation model

Comprehension overview

Generation overview