Summary of current TacAir Pseudo-Communication

For locations of the relevent productions see here.

For examples of LCSs built from these eutterances see here.

Note utterances marked with * could not be found in agent code but documented at Michigan

Formation changes

"[cs] change to [sub-type] [type]" lead to command group: order to change formation. respond with wilco

"give up lead"

"lost member [cs]" plane to another plane in its division: Inform that lost member so reconfigure division

"[cs] pince" lead to command group: begin pincer maneuver "join" plane to plane: request another plane joins the group (not in middle of attack)

"press" plane to partner: lead asks wing to take over as lead or wing informs lead plane it is taking the lead

"stripping" wing to lead or lead to wing inform other planes in the group that group is breaking up

"[cs] turn to [he]" lead to command group: begin a group turn

"[cs] beaming [dir] [d][d][d] " lead to command group: begin beam maneuver.

"maintain angels [alt]" controller to lead: inform of new altitude

"return to base" wing to lead/ lead to wing (should be anyone to anyone?) direct plane to return to its base (strip of groups and abort mission)


"[cs] joker" member to command group informing that fuel is low

Prebriefed fuel state above Bingo (i.e., that fuel state at which separation/bugout may begin.)

"[cs] [mission-number] request texaco" lead to controller: inform that I am going to refuel

inform that fuel is low? "request texaco" no mission number this time?

is texaco a noun? "[cs] fueling complete" lead to command group : fueling completed

"[cs] joker" member to command group informing that fuel is low

        Joker is a tactical call used during tactical employment of the
aircraft i.e. during an intercept or engagement. When just transiting or
CAP ing you would just request TEXACO or tell someone you needed to refuel.
This can be done really anyway the commander deems in his orders. As an
example for a CAP they would usually report it as time left on station to
geet agencies to either bring them more gas or start planning for a


"[cs] say weapons status" lead to controller Request information on ability to employ weapons

"[cs] weapons status [hostility] and [firing]" controller to plane. inform plane of ability to employ weapons

hostility = red - hostile, white - not hostile, yellow on alert firing = tight - not free to fire, free - clear to fire if not friendly safe- do not open fire or cease fire There are two parts to the weapons status (e.g., "white and tight"). The first part is either white (there are no hostilities), yellow ("heads up"...be careful because there might be someone out there who wants to shoot you), or red (the environment is hostile). The second part is free (you can shoot whenever you want), or tight (you cannot shoot freely). For weapons status, the threat evaluation is done by the E2. If a fighter is "tight", he can't shoot unless he is shot at, but he will still report aggressive behavior to the E2, with the possibility that his weapons status will change. It is possible to be "white and tight" and ALSO be given the directive to "destroy your bogey". see here for more "splash 1 bandit"

"splash 1 bogey"

"fox 3" (phoenix)

"fox 1"

"fox 2"

"your target is [tx] [dx] by [ty] [dy] meters from detonation point"

"commit bearing [d][d][d] range [r] miles" (current)

should say? *"commit bearing [d][d][d] range [r] kilometers angels heading [d][d][d]"

Bogey acquisition

"bogey is at bearing [d][d][d] range [r] miles angels [at]"

"same" lead to controller: inform controller and partner of situational awareness (resond in cadence)

"shows 1 contact" "shows [n] contacts" lead to controller: inform of situational awareness

"[cs] clean" plane to partner: inform that has no radar contacts

"[cs] you are clean" controller to plane. In response to a bogey dope informing that there are no bogeys in the area

"group [group-name] [n] contacts bearing [d][d] [d] range [r] miles bullseye heading [d][d][d] " controller to planes: informs planes of bogey position (plane records sender, bogey location, speed and heading, how many and transmission time)

"group [group-name] [n] contacts bearing [d][d] [d] range [r] miles bullseye heading [d][d][d] confirmed hostile" controller to planes: informs planes of bogey position (plane records sender, bogey location, speed and heading, how many and transmission time, bogey is enemy)

"bogey dope" lead to controller: ask for position update on assigned bogey

"[cs] your bogey is at bearing [digit] [digit] [digit] range [miles] angels [alt] heading [digit][digit] [digit]" controller to plane group: informs location of assigned bogey group WHY ANGELS HERE AND NOT ABOVE?

"[cs] bogey is confirmed hostile" controller to lead informing that his assigned bogey is hostile.

"judy" from aircraft to control agent. Aircrew has radar/visual contact on the correct target and only requires situational awareness information; AIC/GCI will minimize radio transmissions. respond with wilco.

"[cs] searching for bogey" aircraft to partner: inform that bogey has not been located

*[cs] bogey bearing [heading] aircraft to partner: provide bearing

*[cs] lost bogey plane to partner: inform that lost contact with bogey


"[cs] request you authenticate [w1] [w2]" anybody to anybody:request authentication from an agent w1 and w2 are code words

"[cs] I authenticate [w1] [w2] as [response] " anybody to anybody:provide authentication to requestor.

"[cs] authenticate time [time] [w1][w2] as [w3] anybody to anybody: provide authentication code to requestor

There are two types of authentication. The normal authentication codes appear in a matrix, which is changed every four hours. When you are asked to authenticate a square in the matrix, you read off the matrix entry and then ask back for a return authentication (to make sure the bad guys aren't just trying to steal the codes from you). You can also authenticate yourself without being asked with time authentication tables. These tables list a different code word for every 5 minutes, so you might say something like "authenticate time 1405 xray delta". The person receiving the authentication looks on his chart to make sure the authentication is correct. This method is usually used when you are giving classified information to someone (such as weapons status). You never want to repeat the same code, so if you have to authenticate again before five minutes have passed, you just use the next entry on the chart.

Mission instructions

"[cs] attack tactic ordnance [ord] altitude [altitude range] geometry [gt] entry [entry] [range] delivery [deliveryt][delivery-range]" sent from lead to wingman to communicate details of ground attack respond with "wilco"

"attack tactic altitude [at] geometry [gt] entry [et] [er] delivery [dt][dr]" Why no ordnance here ?

"[cs] this is [cs] vector [direction] for station new station bears [bearing] for [range]"

"[cs] this is [cs] barcap at [waypoint]"

[cs] [mission number] on station lead to controller: inform controller that I am in barcap position

"[cs] this is [cs] expect cas mission [num] at [cp] " controller to FAC (?) tell lead to wait for a mission (?)

"[cs] this is [cs] request number 28-59 [mission-type] target is [desc] target location is X [x] Y [y] target time [time] desired results [results] final control [control type] [final-control-cs] on radio [colour]" ???

"standing by with 9 line brief" controller to lead and control group for contents of 9 line brief see here

*"ready to copy" lead to controller informing ready to recieve mission information

"proceed as briefed" from controller to lead: permission to continue with mission

*"mission remains as briefed" controller to lead infroming no changes to mission

"mission remains as briefed stand by for time hack" controller to lead ???

"mission remains as briefed stand by for time on target"

"wait for assignment" controller to lead : tell lead to wait for a mission

"[cs] this is [cs] immediate mission target is [des] target location is X [x] Y [y] target time ASAP desired results destroy final control FAC [cs] on [colour]" forward controller to fire support controller to request a CAS-mission

**"call-sign mission-number [mission-number] proceeding-to [waypoint] angels [angels] time-on-station 1+30 checking-in-as fragged " Lead to controller (TACC) ready to communicate when someone checks in??


**[call-sign] mission-number [mission-number] outbound proceeding-to [waypoint] angels [angels] target-destroyed no-ordinance returning-to-base AOA ingress request lead to controller requesting permission to exit AOA

"cleared to exit aoa" from controller to lead: inform lead of clearance to exit AOA controller responds with roger

**[call-sign] mission-number [mission-number] [digit] [vehicle] holding-at waypoint angels [angels ordnance] time-on-station 1+30 laser-capability [or no-laser-capability] lead to controller to check in with controller for clearance message sender is available for a mission

"cleared to enter aoa" from controller to lead: inform lead of clearance to enter AOA

checking in with controller/ changing controllers

"[cs] tally-ho" controller to lead to inform that has visual or radar contact with lead respond with roger

"check in with [next-cs] on [colour] at [next-pt]" controller to lead: tell lead where to go and who to contact next (may or may not be the next expected waypoint on flight plan) respond with with wilco if not the subordinate of primary command group

"pushing button [colour]" plane to controller informing that changing radio channels: communication os complete

"[cs] pushing" lead to controller : UNKNOWN semantics quick response of roger

Miscellaneous/ unknown

"[cs] this is [cs]" from anybidy to anybody to inform them that you are here.

"go ahead" from anybody to anybody: ready to communicate when some one checks in with above

"[cs] where are you [cs]" anybody to anybody: position request (need to have authenticatoin)

"my position is bearing [d][d][d] range [r] miles bullseye heading [d][d][d]" anybody to anybody providing position

"my position is x [x] y [y] heading [heading]" anybody to anybody providing position (just x and y coordinates)

"are you there [partner]" anybody to anybody: ask if someone is alive

"I exist" Anybody to anybody: let everyone know I am alive

"[hour] [minute] + [second]"

"[minute] + [second]"



"[cs] cleared hot" controller to lead respond with roger cleared hot

"roger cleared hot" (whether a plane is pointed at target) lead to FAC: acknowledgement to previous communication

"HACK" controller to lead to inform to reset stop watch

??? "radar contact" controller to lead. UNKNOWN PURPOSE

"no radar contact" controller to lead. UNKNOWN PURPOSE

"wilco" or "roger" from anbody to anybody acknowledgemnt to previous communication

"intial point inbound"

*[cs] [waypoint] inbound lead to controller: UNKNOWN

*"synchronise clock [number]" controller to everybody inform to set stopwatch

*"[codeword]" controller to lead: inform to continue, change or abort mission