This trace is from a pilot agent in the tacair domain. Tacair operators and states involved in the flying of the plane are shown on the left. Nl-Soar operators during comprehension are shown on the right. Nl-Soar is comprehending the callsign and identify messgae from the pilot's controller. (i.e., ''mark-2 this is mark-1'').

The trace shows how task operators and nl-operators are interleaved.

       TACAIR                                            NL

0  S: S1 
1  O: O2 (init-agent)
2  O: O3 (create-agent)
3  O: O6 (select-mission)
4  O: O4 (create-agent)
5  O: O10 (init-plane)
6     S: S28 (operator no-change)
7     O: O12 (wait)
.       ...
.       ...
20     O: O12 (wait)
21  O: O13 (execute-mission)
22  S: S29 (operator no-change)
23  O: O18 (racetrack)
24  S: S30 (operator no-change)
25  O: O21 (waypoint-computer)
26  S: S31 (operator no-change)
27  O: O22 (fly-to-racetrack)
28  S: S32 (operator no-change)
29  O: O30 (categorize-turn)
30  O: O31 (just-turn)
31  S: S33 (operator no-change)
32  O: O33 (identify-by-call-sign)

             Achieved new visual info for agent A39 (mark-2a)

33  O: O36 (change-side)
34  O: O38 (just-turn)
35  S: S34 (operator no-change)
36  O: O40 (wait)
.          ...
.          ...
59  O: O40 (wait)
        Soar hears 'mark-2' over radio-100
60                                          O: A47 (access word:
                                                    'mark-2' spkr: radio-100)
61  O: O41 (just-turn)
62  S: S35 (operator no-change)
63                                          O: O44 (s-constructor6)
64                                          O: O46 (comp-acquire-turn)
65                                          O: O45 (u-constructor2)
66                                          O: A50 (access word: 
                                                     '|#|' spkr: radio-100)
67                                          O: O54 (pause)
68                                          O: O49 (comp-d-move)
                                            COMPREHENDED DISCOURSE MOVE
                                              MOVE:         summons
                                              SPEAKER:      unknown
                                              HEARER:       S15
                                              CONTENT TYPE: addressee-identifier
69              O: O55 (wait)
.          ...
.          ...
87              O: O55 (wait)
88 O: O56 (achieved-racetrack)
89 O: O57 (change-racetrack-leg)
90 O: O58 (fly-racetrack-leg)
91 S: S38 (operator no-change)
92 O: O59 (categorize-turn)
93 O: O60 (just-turn)
94 S: S39 (operator no-change)
95 O: O61 (wait)
.          ...
.          ...
112 O: O61 (wait)
                                          Soar hears 'this' over radio-100
113                                         O: A51 (access word:
                                                    'this' spkr: radio-100)
114                                         O: O111 (s-constructor9)
115 O: O69 (change-mission)
116 S: S43 (operator no-change)
117 O: O75 (change-racetrack)
118 O: O80 (racetrack)
119 S: S44 (operator no-change)
120 O: O87 (waypoint-computer)
121 S: S45 (operator no-change)
122 O: O88 (fly-to-racetrack)
123 S: S46 (operator no-change)
124 O: O101 (categorize-turn)
125 O: O102 (just-turn)
126 S: S47 (operator no-change)
127 O: O103 (just-turn)
128                                        O: O126 (u-constructor2)
129                                        O: A54 (access word: 
                                                   'is' spkr: radio-100)
130 O: O103 (just-turn)
131                                        O: O128 (u-constructor12)
122 O: O108 (just-turn)
133 S: S48 (operator no-change)
134 O: O112 (just-turn)
135 S: S49 (operator no-change)
136                                        O: O129 (s-constructor16)
137                                        O: A59 (access word:
                                                   'mark-1' spkr: radio-100)
138                                        O: O133 (u-constructor18)
139                                        O: O135 (s-constructor22)
140                                        O: A61 (access word: 
                                                   '|#|' spkr: radio-100)
141                                        O: O142 (pause)
142                                        O: O137 (comp-d-move)
                                             COMPREHENDED DISCOURSE MOVE
                                              MOVE:         self-identify
                                              SPEAKER:      Y37
                                              HEARER:       S15
                                              CONTENT TYPE: self-identifier
143                                        O: O143 (comp-d-segment)
144  O: O123 (identify-by-call-sign)
Achieved new radar info for agent A32 (mark-1)
145              O: O144 (wait)
146              O: O144 (wait)
150              O: O144 (wait)