Video-Rate Stereo Machine
Video-Rate Stereo Machine


Stereo vision and multi-baseline method
Stereo ranging, which uses correspondence between sets of two or more
images for depth measurement, has many advantages. It is passive and it does
not emit any radio or light energy. With appropriate imaging geometry,
optics, and high-resolution cameras, stereo can produce a dense, precise range
image of even distant scenes. Our video-rate stereo machine is based on a new
stereo technique which has been developed and tested at CMU over years. It
uses multiple images obtained by multiple cameras to produce different
baselines in lengths and in directions. The multi-baseline stereo method takes
advantage of the redundancy contained in multi-stereo pairs, resulting in a
straightforward algorithm which is appropriate for hardware implementation.
Hardware Architecture
The basic theory requires some extensions to allow for parallel, low-cost,
high-speed machine implementation. The three major ones are: 1) the use of
small integers for image data representation; 2) the use of absolute values
instead of squares in the SSD computation for image matching (SAD instead of
SSD); and 3) camera geometry compensation capability. A figure below
illustrates the configuration of the prototype system. There are five
important subsystems: 1) multi-camera stereo head; 2) multi-image
frame grabber; 3) Laplacian of Gaussian (LOG) filtering; 4) parallel
computation of SSAD; and 5) subpixel localization of the minimum of the SSAD
and its uncertainty estimation in C40 DSP array. The video-rate stereo
machine will perform these stages on a stream of image data in a pipeline
fashion at video rate, resulting in a disparity map in the C40 DSP array at
every 30msec.

Current Performance
It is currently operational at the speed of 30 frames per second with
200W200 image size and 23 pixel disparity range. A table below shows the
current performance.
Number of cameras 2 to 6
Processing time/pixel 33nsW(disparity range + 2)
Frame rate up to 30 frames/sec
Depth image size up to 256 W 240
Disparity search range up to 60 pixels
It handles the distance range of 2 to 15m with 8mm lenses. Figures below show
two example scenes demonstrating the system's performance. The left side
images are intensity images of the scene. The right side images are the
corresponding disparity maps. The stereo machine successfully generates
dense disparity maps in the ceiling and the wall of the corridor which
have few features.

Live examples


- "Development of a Video-Rate Stereo Machine",
IROS'95, Aug.7-9, 1995, Pittsburgh, PA
- "CMU Video-Rate Stereo Machine",
Mobile Mapping Symposium, May 24-26, 1995, Columbus, OH
- "Video-Rate Z Keying: A New Method for Merging
Images", Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-95-38
- "A Stereo Machine for Video-Rate Dense Depth Mapping and Its New Applications",
ARPA Image Understanding Workshop, Feb, 1996, Palm Springs, CA
- "A Video-Rate Stereo Machine and Its New Applications",
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference, June, 1996, San Francisco, CA


Related Web Sites

Originally Created by Hiroshi Kano
Updated by Kazuo Oda on Jan 4 1996

(last updated Jul 9 1996)