Lecture 2: Software Architecture in Perspective

  1. Software Architecture in Perspective
  2. Administrativia
  3. Today's Topics
  4. Theme
  5. Reprise: What is "Engineering"?
  6. Evolution of an Engineering Discipline
  7. Evolutionary Stages of Engineering
  8. Good Science Feeds Good Engineering
  9. "Software Engineering"
  10. Quick History of Software Engineering
  11. Abstraction Techniques
  12. Current Practice
  13. Where is Software Engineering ?
  14. Software Costs Dominate Computing
  15. The Computer Industry
  16. The Computer Industry
  17. DeRemer and Kron say ...
  18. Core Ideas of MILs
  19. Functions of MIL
  20. MIL Terminology
  21. Resource Access
  22. Example: Input for Theorem-Prover
  23. MIL75: System View
  24. Other MILs
  25. MILs: Where are they now (2 decades later)?
  26. Architecture in Systems
  27. Elements of Architectural Descriptions
  28. Common Architectural Idioms
  29. Batch Sequential
  30. Batch Sequential Systems
  31. Pipeline
  32. Pipes and Filters
  33. Main Program/Subroutine Pattern
  34. Main Program and Subroutines
  35. Data Abstraction or Object-Oriented
  36. Object Architectures
  37. Layered Pattern
  38. Layered Patterns
  39. Interpreter
  40. Interpreters
  41. Communicating Processes
  42. Communicating Processes
  43. Event Systems
  44. Event Systems
  45. Repository: Database
  46. Classical Databases
  47. Repository (Blackboard)
  48. The Blackboard Model
  49. Comparison of System Patterns
  50. Important Ideas
  51. Common Architectural Idioms

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Modified: 01/29/97