Lecture 7: Formal Models for Data Flow

  1. Formal Models: Data Flow Systems
  2. Outline
  3. Part 1: The Role of Formalism
  4. Are Pictures Enough?
  5. The Value of Formal Definitions
  6. Example
  7. Models & Analysis
  8. Issue 1: What is Being Formalized/Modeled
  9. Issue 2: What Properties Do We Care About?
  10. In This Course We Will See:
  11. Mathematical Bases
  12. General Observations
  13. Example 1: Simple Pipe-Filter Systems
  14. Example 2: Oscilloscopes
  15. A Simple Functional View
  16. Oscilloscope: Extended Pipe-Filter Model
  17. Signals, Waveforms, Traces
  18. Basic Types
  19. Signals, Waveforms, Traces
  20. Channel Subsystem
  21. Some Mathematical Preliminaries
  22. Coupling
  23. More Mathematical Preliminaries Some Operators on Functions & Relations
  24. Acquisition
  25. Clip
  26. Channel Parameters
  27. Channel Configuration
  28. Trigger Subsystem
  29. Channel Selection
  30. Trigger Detection
  31. Trigger Parameters
  32. Trigger Configuration
  33. The Whole System
  34. Oscilloscope

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Modified: 02/10/97