Lecture 11: Formal Models: Objects & Styles

  1. Lecture 11 Formal Models: Objects & Styles
  2. This Lecture
  3. Recap: The Value of Formal Definitions
  4. Issue 1 : What is Being Formalized/Modeled
  5. Issue 2 : What Properties Do We Care About?
  6. In This Course We Will See:
  7. Structure of Z Specifications
  8. Some Mathematical Preliminaries: Sets
  9. Set Comprehension
  10. Set Comprehension (2)
  11. Variables
  12. Enumerated Types
  13. Power Sets
  14. Tuples
  15. Relations
  16. Relations (2)
  17. Functions
  18. Functions (2)
  19. Summary: Set Constructors
  20. A Simple Example
  21. The State Space
  22. BirthdayBook
  23. Example
  24. Observation
  25. Initial State
  26. Operations
  27. Operations (2)
  28. Add Birthday
  29. Derived Components
  30. Reasoning About the Specification
  31. Find Birthday
  32. Remind
  33. Summary
  34. Error Handling
  35. Successful Operations
  36. Add Birthday -- revised
  37. Detecting Errors
  38. Combining the Parts
  39. The Other Operations
  40. Advantages of Approach
  41. Observation
  42. Other Uses of the Schema Calculus
  43. Summary
  44. What is an Architectural Style?
  45. What is an Architectural Style?
  46. What is an Architectural Style?
  47. What is an Architectural Style?
  48. Elements of Architectural Style
  49. The Specification Enterprise
  50. Making Style Precise
  51. Why Bother?
  52. Components & Connectors
  53. Configurations

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Modified: 02/21/97