Lecture 14: A Tale of Two Architectures

  1. Lecture 14: A Tale of Two Architectures
  2. This Lecture
  3. Case Study 1: HLA Problem Context
  4. Distributed Simulation
  5. History
  6. Emergence of the High Level Architecture (HLA)
  7. Goals of the HLA
  8. Architecture of HLA Federation
  9. Main Technical Features
  10. Key Issues in the Design
  11. Event Dispatch Models
  12. Key Issues (continued)
  13. Example of Interaction Problems
  14. Case Study 2: The AEGIS System
  15. The AEGIS Architecture Na View
  16. Issues/Problems
  17. Issues/Problems (contd)
  18. Potential Deadlock Situation
  19. Actual Architecture

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Modified: 02/27/97