Lecture 20: Enterprise Architectures

  1. Enterprise Architectures.
  2. This Lecture .
  3. The Computer Industry .
  4. Software Costs Dominate Computing .
  5. What is Enterprise Architecture About?.
  6. Example 1: Adobe .
  7. What is Enterprise Architecture About? .
  8. Drivers .
  9. What we would really like .
  10. Key Architectural Questions .
  11. Historical View: Batch Sequential .
  12. Repository Systems (Phase 1) .
  13. Client-Server Systems (Phase 2) .
  14. Client-Application-Server (Phase 3) .
  15. Peer-Peer Systems (Phase 4) .
  16. Some Notes about Client-Server .
  17. The Middleware View (Greatly Simplified) .
  18. The Middleware View (continued) .
  19. Middleware: Forms of Integration .
  20. Examples from the Papers .
  21. CORBA .
  22. OLE2 .
  23. What are the Connectors? .
  24. Layers of Software .
  25. This Lecture.

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Modified: 06/02/97