Lecture 23: Formal Modeling and Analysis of the HLA RTI

  1. Formal Modeling and Analysis of the HLA RTI
  2. Talk Outline
  3. Problem Context
  4. Distributed Simulation
  5. History
  6. Emergence of the High Level Architecture (HLA)
  7. Goals of the HLA
  8. High Level Architecture
  9. Issues for IFSpec Standard
  10. Approach: Formalization
  11. Talk Outline
  12. W RIGHT
  13. Architectural Vocabulary
  14. W RIGHT Configuration
  15. Specifying Behavior
  16. Example: What is UpdateValues Connector ?
  17. Example: What is UpdateValues Connector ?
  18. Practical Benefits
  19. Talk Outline
  20. Goals of Specification
  21. Architecture of HLA Federation
  22. RTI Connector
  23. Style: More Than A Single System
  24. HLA Style
  25. SimInterface Structure
  26. RTI Glue Structure
  27. Example Issues
  28. When to Create?
  29. So Far So Good
  30. Oops!
  31. Paused on Join
  32. Pause on Join
  33. Oops!
  34. What s in PauseEvents?
  35. Exceptions
  36. Current Status

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Modified: 05/28/97