23 April 1997


the story so far...


there are multiple standards (ActiveX, OpenDoc, Corba, ...)

a standard may not suit your architectural needs

legacy components don't uphold the standard

what happens when components weren't made to be used together?

interaction mechanisms vary


database schemas vary


communication protocols vary


packaging mismatch

it makes about interacting with the outside world

when those assumptions aren't upheld during integration,
you have packaging mismatch

quick aside: don't get hung up on terminology

interface mismatch --  Wallnau &al

packaging mismatch --  DeLine

today's discussion

Yellin & Strom --  fixing mismatches in method call protocols

a new approach

Purtilo & Atlee : the problem

the number or types of the arguments


void open_window(int x, int y, int width, int height) { ... }




typedef struct { char *name, *address; } label;

void print_envelope (label l) { ... }

typedef struct { int len; char *storage; } string;

typedef struct { string name, SSN, address; } person;

person p;

print_envelope (p);

Purtilo & Atlee : the solution

2 describe data format of definer's args

3 show how to satisfy definer's args with callers' args

caller: w:int; h:int

definer: int; int; int; int

map: int(`20'); int(`50'); w; h


caller: { { int; n:^char }; { int; ^char }; { int; a:^char } }

definer: { ^char; ^char }

map: { n; a }

Purtilo & Atlee : the solution

Yellin & Strom : the problem

to be called in some order

e.g. a File object: open

in an illegal order

an illegal order: open

Yellin & Strom : example server object

Receive messages {

bid (bidderId:id, itemBiddingOn:string, amount:real);



Send messages {

newItem (itemDescr:string, bidderId:id);

update (highBid:real);

rejectBid (reason:string);






Yellin & Strom : example client object

Recieve messages {

auctionBegin (auctionInfo:string);

canBid (bidId:id);

cannotBid (why:string);

newHighBid (price:real);





Send messages {

requestToBid (name:string,


newBid (bidItem:id, myBid:real);





Yellin & Strom : the mismatch


Yellin & Strom : solution

that makes up the differences

<A,1>: +newItem from auctioneer

write(itemDescr, bidderId);

<B,1>: -auctionBegin to bidder

auctionInfo = Cells.itemDescr,


<B,2>: +requestToBid from bidder


<B,2>: +update from auctioneer


<B,3>: -canBid to bidder

bidId = Cells.bidderId,


<B,4>: +update from aucitioneer


two paths for touring techniques

datatype representation, ADT representation

database views

document formats, file formats

"carrier" aspects of interaction (transfer or communication rules)

parameter passing

method invocation protocols

message formats

"trigger" aspects of interaction

internal vs external control, push vs pull

synchronous vs asynchronous

how much variation in interaction the component provider accounts for

i.e. how big is component's "envelope of variability?"

no envelope of variability

wrap the component

hardware emulator [instruction set]

Word for Word and its ilk [document format]

PC Exchange and its ilk [disk format]

Purtilo & Atlee [parameter passing]

Yellim & Strom [method protocol]

"small" envelope of variability

use provided selection method to choose from
component's set of possibilities

fat binaries [instruction set]

OLE interface negotiation [API]

"medium" envelope of variability

choose combination from component's set of possibilities

procedures with keyword parameters [parameter passing]

"big" envelope of variability

use component's programmable interface

MS Word converter plugins [document representation]

what techniques have I missed?


an example from Kevin Sullivan

how to cope?

he'd have to repeat this effort for each new version of the Unix filter

use a separate design artifact to capture concrete interaction details

compile the two together to get final component