CMU CS 15-675 Architectures for Software Systems Spring 1997
Due: Wednesday, January 15, 1997
[SG96](the textbook): Chapter 1, do a quick scan of Chapter 2[DK76]: DeRemer and Kron (1976): Programming-in-the-Large Versus Programming-in-the-Small, Sections I to IV.
[PN86][PN86]: Prieto-Diaz and Neighbors (1986): Module Interconnection Languages
The SG96 readings set the stage for the course. They discuss software engineering as an engineering discipline and the notion of architecture as it applies to systems in general and software in particular. Read in order to understand the problems and motivation for software architecture.We will read Chapter 2 in detail in various parts of the course. For now, look through it so you grasp the main idea. At least read the first paragraph or two of each section and look at the pictures.
Read the other two papers (DK76 and PN86) for the big ideas about system organization and resulting benefits. Do not get bogged down in the notation of DK76, Section V. In PN86, scan sections 3.2 to 3.4 and sections 4.1 to 4.8 to get a flavor of the problems they solve, but do not get bogged down in specific notations (do read the rest of PN86).
In all these daily homework assignments, be concise and to the point. It will be exceedingly rare for any of these questions to require more than half a page of response. Rambling answers with irrelevant detail will not be received warmly.
Modified: 01/21/97