CMU CS 15-675 Architectures for Software Systems Spring 1997

Pipe & Filter Case Study

Garlan & Shaw Questions on Readings for Lecture 6

Due: Wednesday, January 29, 1997

The papers:

[SG96]: Chapter 3, Section 2.


The purpose of the readings is to illustrate the notion of a product-line architecture, and to show how the Pipe & Filter Style can be applied in an industrial context. It also focuses on the need to specialize general, pure styles to handle special requirements of the product domain.


  1. What problem frame does the oscilloscope fit into? State briefly why.

  2. Why was a layered system rejected for the architecture of the system?

  3. The archtitecture adopted by the oscilloscope designers departs from the general model of Pipe & Filter ways in at least two important ways. What were these?

  4. Why was it felt necessary to introduce a richer vocabulary of pipes (i.e., ``colored pipes'') than is usually associated with a Pipe & Filter system?

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Modified: 01/31/97