CMU CS 15-675 Architectures for Software Systems Spring 1997

Using Multiple Styles

Garlan & Shaw Questions on Readings for Lecture 16

Due: Monday, March 10, 1997

The papers:

[SG96]: Section 3.4

[SC96]: A Field Guide to Boxology

[Sha95b]: Comparing Architectural Design Styles

[Wolf97]: Second International Software Architecture Workshop (ISAW-2)


This is the first of two lectures on using architectural styles in combination and choosing which styles to use for a given problem. [SG96 Sec 3.4] and [Sha95b] explore the crise control example introduced with the discussion of objects. Together, they show (a) solutions can be organized in a variety of styles, all bringing different emphasis to the design and (b) solutions most often rely on more than one style.

[Wolf97] reports on the use of architectural abstractions to analyze a proposed design (one created ad hoc rather than by using architectural abstractions). The analysis yielded a new style, which the participants recognized as appearing in a variety of other systems.

[SC96] lays the groundwork for choosing styles by setting up a way to describe styles uniformly -- thereby facilitating comparision.


  1. Contrast Booch's O-O, Shaw's, and Ward/Keskar's Ward-Mellor designs for cruise control. Which issues does each lead you to focus on?

  2. What problem frame best fits the Call Center Customer Care (C4) system? Why?

  3. Explain where Data Ooze should go in the Boxology classification and what its table entries should be.

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Modified: 03/07/97