CMU CS 15-675 Architectures for Software Systems Spring 1997
Due: Monday, March 10, 1997
[SG96]: Section 3.4[SC96]: A Field Guide to Boxology
[Sha95b]: Comparing Architectural Design Styles
[Wolf97]: Second International Software Architecture Workshop (ISAW-2)
This is the first of two lectures on using architectural styles in combination and choosing which styles to use for a given problem. [SG96 Sec 3.4] and [Sha95b] explore the crise control example introduced with the discussion of objects. Together, they show (a) solutions can be organized in a variety of styles, all bringing different emphasis to the design and (b) solutions most often rely on more than one style.[Wolf97] reports on the use of architectural abstractions to analyze a proposed design (one created ad hoc rather than by using architectural abstractions). The analysis yielded a new style, which the participants recognized as appearing in a variety of other systems.
[SC96] lays the groundwork for choosing styles by setting up a way to describe styles uniformly -- thereby facilitating comparision.
Modified: 03/07/97