CMU CS 15-675 Architectures for Software Systems Spring 1997
Garlan & Shaw Questions on Readings for Lecture 20
Due: Monday, March 31, 1997
Tibbets, "Enterprise Architectures: A Comparison of Vendor Initiatives"Charles R. Morris and Charles H. Ferguson. How Architecture Wins Technology Wars.
Ch 2.5, Ch 4.3.4
It is not so important to understand the details of the different vendors' products, but rather focus on the underlying stylistic differences between their architectural frameworks. Also think about the overall architectural evolution of the industry. [Mor93] examines the structure of the industry.
As professionals you'll probably be interested in the whole paper, but for purposes of this course, focus on the discussions of standards and open systems. Once again we are revisiting layered architectures, Compare the diagrams in the text with the diagrams in Tibbets.
Modified: 03/20/97