CMU CS 15-675 Architectures for Software Systems Spring 1997

UniCon and AESOP

Garlan & Shaw Questions on Readings for Lecture 24

Due: Monday, April 14, 1997

The papers:

[SG95]: Ch 7.1 - 7.2, 8.1 - 8.2


Today’s readings introduce a hint of the future: prototype languages for describing systems using the architectural abstractions introduced in this course. Although it will be some time before you see tools like these on the market, this shows what happens when you take seriously the mandate to support abstractions for styles, components, and -- especially -- connectors.


  1. What capabilities must an architectural language with first-class connectors have?
  2. Describe the abstraction problem for architecture and compare it to that for abstract data types.
  3. What four properties are determined by a style in the Aesop System.
  4. What is the rationale for providing specialized environments tailored to specific styles?

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Modified: 04/10/97