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The assignment is due by 10:30am on Monday, March 16.
Your solution should be placed in a directory named ``a3'' in your
team's class directory. Contents of this directory should include:
- a text file "RegistrationSystem.doc" indicating the names
of your team members and the changes made to the original
- modified source to changed modules (following the above
restrictions), source for any new modules, and a running
In addition, there will be a written commentary (due at the beginning
of class on March 16) answering the following questions:
- 1.
- Problem Frame: What problem frame(s) does this problem
fit? Does it differ from the problem frame(s) of the Pipe and
Filter Registration System and Object-Oriented
Registration System? Why? Draw the frame(s).
Briefly describe (designate) the domains in your
frames. Note that your answer should contain enough
information so that the reader will not have to refer
to any other assignment write ups.
- 2.
- Architectural Description: Describe the architecture of
the modified system (both the provided
parts and the parts you added), explaining how it is an
example of an implicit invocation architecture. (Be sure
to use architectural concepts and vocabulary, and provide
a diagram for your modified architectures.) In
what ways (if any) does the architecture deviate from
the basic implicit invocation style? Explain how your
system implements each of the new functionalities required.
- 3.
- Critical Design Issues:
Explain your design, justifying your design
decisions. What were the key (make-or-break) design
issues for your team's solution?
- 4.
- Analysis Based on your experience so far, are implicit
invocation systems easier or harder to modify
than object-oriented architectures? Why? Describe one other
modification (other than the ones you performed)
that would be relatively easy to make in an implicit invocation
system, and one modification that would be harder.
- 5.
- Alternative Architecture: Could the given system and
specified modifications for this assignment
be implemented naturally using a dataflow
architecture? If so, briefly explain how. If not,
explain why not.
- 6.
- Extensions: Suppose you had an implicit invocation system
with a Registrar component that announces OverfullEvent
when a registration is full (and does not register the
student for the course in that case), and a SectionAdder
component that listens for full sections and then creates
new sections for overfull courses. Describe the race condition
that this would cause, and how it might be resolved.
Does your solution to this problem fit well within implicit
invocation architectures? If not, what aspects of your
solution would violate implicit invocation principles?
- 7.
- Concurrency and Ordering The implicit invocation system
provided in the Events
package ensures that all events that are caused
by a single announce, whether directly or
indirectly, are complete, and that all methods are called
before the announce call returns.
- (a)
- Would your solution still have worked if the system
delivered events in an arbitrary order, and did not guarantee
their delivery prior to returning from an announcement? Why?
- (b)
- Identify differences in your solution that
would have been necessary if the system allowed
concurrency (for example, by implementing each
component as a separate thread).
(Hint for (a) and (b): Consider data integrity constraints
such as whether or not all data has been written to the
repository before a component tries to read it.)
The commentary should be your own work; i.e., individuals, not teams
for commentary.
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Tom Conversion Service