Assignment Presentation Guidelines
Each assignment presentation is fifteen minutes. Since at
least half of that time should be allocated for discussion and
questions, you'll need to plan carefully to be able to concisely
cover the major points. You'll not be able to explain more than
six to eight slides.
Content of slides is far more important than elaborate
graphics; neatly hand-drafted transparencies are fine. Use
architectural concepts rather than programming constructs in your
- Spend a little time on your analysis of the problem. What
are you given? What must you produce? What are the
driving factors? (Make it VERY clear what the
make-or-break issue is.) What are the essential elements
of the problem? And how does this fit into defining a
problem frame? Are there issues with the frame(s) you
chose? How did you resolve them? (Give more than just a
what, explain why you selected a given frame.)
- Architectural diagrams should be clear. Use examples from
the text and lectures as models. Check all diagrams to
see that components and connectors are labeled, and that
distinguishing symbols are used for components and
connectors of different types. Connector differences can
be indicated with solid versus dashed arrows, for
example. Components might have double versus single lines
on the boxes.
- What alternative solutions did you identify? What were
the issues with each, and why did you choose the
solutions you did? What type of analysis did you do to
evaluate your choices?
A suggested outline for your presentation follows:
[0] title slide
[1] informal statement of problem
[2] analysis of the frame
[3-6] For the two parts of the problem:
given architecture
alternative architectural solutions and choice
Remember, be concise! There is a lot of ground to cover in 7.5
minutes, so decide how to get the main points across most
effectively in your allotted time.