CMU CS 15-675 Architectures for Software Systems Spring 1998
Data Flow Architectures
with answers
Garlan & Kazman Questions on Readings for Lecture
6 Due: Wed Jan 28, 1998The papers:
SG96: Sections 2.2, 2.8, 4.2.1, 4.3.1
KP84: The UNIX Programming Environment selected pages
B+96: Pattern Oriented Software Architecture, pages 53-70 (only part of the B+96 selection)
This lecture begins the discussion of data flow systems. In such systems, the computation is dominated by the availability of data -- each component can execute only as fast as data is supplied to it. We will begin with two of the most common forms, batch sequential and pipeline systems (or pipe-and-filter architectures). We will then look at a form that’s less often discussed, process-control systems.
1) First question. This is style Question.
First answer. This is style Answer
Second question.second answer
Modified: 5/20/98