CMU CS 15-675 Architectures for Software Systems Spring 1998
Software Architecture Analysis Method (SAAM)
with answers
Garlan & Kazman Questions on Readings for Lecture 13 Due: Monday,
Feb. 23, 1998The papers:
[BCK]: Chapter 9
We frequently reason about software architectures with respect to their properties, particularly their properties in the realm of quality attributes: modifiability, performance, security, and so forth. Consider, however, what it means for a system to be "modifiable". Can a system ever be considered modifiable? And, if so, how would you ascertain this quality and document it (so that you or subsequent designers and programmers didn’t inadvertently change it).
1) SAAM is a scenario-based analysis method. Given that the results depend crucially on the set of scenarios generated, how do you know that you’ve generated enough?
Two possibilities: 1) when you run out of resources (a not very satisfying answer); 2) when the addition of a new scenario is no longer expected to reveal anything about the design (on analogy with testing).
2) What is the difference between a direct and an indirect scenario?
A direct scenario is a use of, or execution of, the existing system. An indirect scenario is a modification to the existing system.
Modified: 5/20/98