CMU CS 15-675 Architectures for Software Systems Spring 1998
Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM)
with answers
Garlan & Kazman Questions on Readings for Lecture
14 Due: Wednesday, Feb. 25, 1998The papers:
[Kaz98]: The Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method
We recently looked at the problem of analyzing a software architecture in a repeatable, documented fashion using SAAM. SAAM, while useful, can really only provide insight into modifiability-related qualities (portability, integrability, maintainability, etc.). But many systems’ driving qualities are those related to how the system works at run-time, such as: performance, security, availability. In addition, all of these qualities can be in a mutual state of tension: increasing one may decrease another.
When reading this paper, do not worry about the precise details of the performance, security, and availability analyses: they are incidental. Think about how designs can be represented and compared, and how this comparison can be documented. Think about how this might change the architectural design process.
1) How do you determine the appropriate level of granularity at which to analyze an architecture?
Through an analysis of risk: areas of high risk are analyzed more deeply. There is no one "right" level at which to analyze an architecture.
Define a "tradeoff" in the sense of the ATAM.A tradeoff is an architectural element to which multiple qualities of interest are sensitive.
Modified: 5/20/98