CMU CS 15-675 Architectures for Software Systems Spring 1998

Patterns and Taxonomies

with answers

Garlan & Kazman Questions on Readings for Lecture 22 Due: Mon April 6, 1998

The papers:

[Gam93]: Design Patterns.

[SC96]: A Field Guide to Boxology

[Kaz97]: Classifying Architectural Elements


The Gamma et al paper provides an overview into the world of design patterns: the kinds of rationale for them and how they are documented. The details of the individual patterns and the framework are not as important as understanding how the use of patterns changes the design process.

The Shaw, Clements "Boxology" paper, and the Kazman et al paper should be read together. Both of these papers were written with the objective of providing a taxonomic foundation for some part of software architecture. Think about how you might use such taxonomies and why they are important.


1) What are the most important parts of a design pattern’s description?

Abstraction description of the pattern

The issue that this pattern addresses/applicability of the pattern

The consequences of applying the pattern.

2) How does a taxonomy such as Shaw and Clements help in understanding the similarities, differences, and applicability of architectural styles?

A taxonomy establishes a uniform standard for describing styles; helps to discriminate among styles by providing discriminating features; and organizes advice on selecting a style based upon its properties.



Heather L. Marko

Modified: 5/21/98