CMU CS 15-675 Architectures for Software Systems Spring 1998
Reverse Engineering of Architectures
with answers
Garlan & Kazman Questions on Readings for Lecture 25 Due: Wed Apr 15, 1998
The papers:
[KC97]: Playing Detective
[MN97]: Reengineering with Reflexion Models
The paper about the Dali workbench and the Reflexion tool both stress that one of the major problems with software architectures is ensuring that the as-implemented architecture stays "in synch" with the as-designed architecture. When reading these papers, think about why this is an important problem, how it might affect you, and what you can do about it, both in terms of process and in terms of tool support.
1) What do the terms "open" and "lightweight" mean in the context of Dali’s integration framework?
Open: easy to integrate new tools into the environment.
Lightweight: tool dependencies are minimal.
2) What are the three main techniques used in reconstructing architectural views using Dali?
: capturing the as-implemented architecture from source artifacts.Applying user-defined patterns: to link the as-implemented architecture to the as-designed architecture.
Visualization: for validation by the user.
Modified: 5/21/98