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To demonstrate the infrastructure's utility and genericity by instantiating it for multiple instances of different courses.
The second deliverable is a broker that can match document conversion needs with software tools that perform relevant conversions. This broker, which we call a Typed Object Manager (TOM) server, itself supplies a set of types (formats) and conversions between types; moreover, it supplies a way to contact and access other TOM servers that supply types and converters it does not itself supply. TOM users can extend a TOM server's capability by adding their own formats and converters. TOM also provides a facility for automatically applying converters, by deducing the input and output types without user guidance. Finally, in the course of building a TOM server, we are populating it with new kinds of converters, for which we have found an immediate need (e.g., the first deliverable).
The last deliverable should demonstrate that our infrastructure is reusable for different courses as well as for different instances of the same course. It has the side benefit of providing the community with two courses, available for remote access and delivery, that are central to many professional software engineering programs.