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Up: Role Type
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The role type Reader corresponds to the requirement that the associated player in a FileIO connection be a reader in a compilation unit of the next block of data to be read from the front of a sequential file. The player type ReadFile in UniCon captures the semantics of this read action. The responsibility of the ReadFile player is to act as the reader of the next data block in a FileIO connection.
In a FileIO connection whose IOMode is either ReadOnly or ReadWrite, there must be at least one reader (i.e., one Reader role/player association) of sequential file data blocks, however, there may be infinitely many.
Connector Types In
A role of type Reader can legally be defined in a connector of the following type:
Player Type
A role of type Reader can legally be associated with the following player type in a FileIO connection:
Property Defaults
The following are the default values of the properties for the Reader role:
- General.ReadFile,

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Up: Role Type
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Gregory Zelesnik
Last Modified: May 12, 1996