WARNING: In a system described by UniCon, when two players are involved in a bind the external player inherits the number of connections made to an internal player. This may have a bearing on the MinAssocs value that the system designer chooses for external players in components with composite implementations.
Additionally, the system designer must not choose a MinAssocs value for an external player which represents a decrease in the minimum number of connections to the internal player as specified by its MinAssocs value. This would defeat the purpose of the MinAssocs value of the player to which the external player is ultimately bound - the player corresponding to the source code that implements it in the component with the primitive implementation.
Each player type has its own default:
---------------------- Player Type Default ---------------------- GlobalDataDef 1 GlobalDataUse 1 PLBundle 0 RPCCall 1 RPCDef 1 ReadFile 1 ReadNext 1 RoutineCall 1 RoutineDef 1 RTLoad 0 StreamIn 1 StreamOut 1 WriteFile 1 WriteNext 1 ----------------------
Subsequent specifications of the MinAssocs property in a single property list replace earlier specifications (i.e., the last specification is the one that the UniCon compiler uses).
PLAYER heap_sort IS RoutineDef SIGNATURE ("int *"; "int *") MINASSOCS (0) END heap_sortThe above example allows the heap_sort RoutineDef player to be left unconnected in a system.
Last Modified: May 12, 1996