To be filled out in class on April 30
1. Are there any topics we didn't cover that should be added next time the course is taught?
2. Are there any topics that we covered that you would eliminate or spend less time on next time?
3. Are they any topics we should spend more time on next time?
4. Please rate the lectures: (Circle appropriate number)
Material Covered Too Fast -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Too Slow
Boring 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Interesting
5. Did you like the lecture style using the world-wide-web?
6. Any constructive suggestions for improving the lectures?
7. What did you think about implementing a benchmark multiple times? Should we use that style again?
8. Was it too hard to implement the benchmark so many times? Should we reduce it to 3 times instead of 4?
9. What do you think about requiring the use of Amulet as the last implementation?
10. Should everyone be required to use Visual Basic as the first tool?
11. If we use the same benchmark style of teaching next year, do you think the next class should make up their own benchmarks, or should they use yours?
12. The reason to go to benchmarks was that people in the last class complained that they didn't learn enough different toolkits. This time, some people complained about not learning any toolkit in enough depth. Any ideas on how to achieve both?
13. Please rate the textbook (Nielsen): (Circle appropriate number)
Boring 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Interesting
Useless 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Useful
14. How many of the required readings did you read?
All Some One None
15. How many of the optional readings did you read?
All Some One None
16. Instead of the handout readings, we could have had another textbook. Would this have been better?
17. Any comments on the text or readings?
18. This is a 12 unit course, with 3 hours of lectures, so you should be spending about 9 hours a week on homeworks and readings. Averaged over the term, does this sound about right? If not, what should be made longer or shorter?
19. Was the mid-term a fair test of the material in the course? Was it too tricky or hard? Too easy? Was the grading fair?
20. This course contained undergraduates, MS students and PhD students. I would appreciate any recommendations about how to make it appropriate for each group. Do you feel that it was appropriate for people at your level? If not, which level, and why not? Please recommend how it could be changed to be more appropriate.
21. Do you think this course should be offered again? Would you recommend that your friends take it? If not, what would you change?
22. Was this course what you were expecting? If not, please explain.
23. What did you like best about the course? What did you like the least?
24. Any other suggestions or comments?
Thank you very much for helping me improve this course!