Interactive 3D Benchmark

by Chad Dawson


This benchmark is simple interactive 3D world. It is representative of 3D interfaces where the user is able to interact with and manipulate objects in a fully rendered explorable three dimensional setting with real time feedback and control.

The 3D domain of computer applications cover a wide range of uses and interfaces styles. There are 3D renderers which display a scene, 3D object builders which let you design scenes and their objects, and 3D animation programs which let you script and create movies of animated 3D scenes. All of these applications are designed to support the graphics programmer or 3D artist. This benchmark is useful for designers of applications geared instead for the 3D end-user who uses the 3D software to accomplish a goal outside of the 3D design realm. It is a useful measure of a 3D application that lets the user interact with the objects in a 3D scene, not just view the 3D movie or plot and sculpt 3D objects.

There are many 3D benchmarks that measure a 3D graphics engine's ability to render fancy objects, textures, and lighting models at very high speeds. This benchmark assumes a reasonable 3D rendering and instead measures the usability of the 3D API in the design of an interactive world. The interactivity between the users and the objects as well as the objects with each other is critical to classification of the 3D tool or API as a 3D interface as opposed to just a 3D output or rendering. Some real world applications of this would include: 3D games, remote robotic/ machine control simulations, multiuser conferencing, scientific physical simulation, object proto- typing, interactive architectural walk-throughs, factory control, and "virtual reality" simulations. Some popular interfaces that this is benchmark is similar to include:



3D Games Meridian 59 by 3DO, Tomb Raider by Eidos
Multiuser Conferencing V-Chat by Microsoft, Worlds Chat by Worlds Inc
Architectural Walk-through Architech PC
Telerobotics/Manufacturing IGRIP, VEDAM and VADE developed at WSU



The world consists of a small room with the following objects. The available views of the world should include the real-time perspectives from each of the objects and a full 6 DOF camera.:

Avatar: Moveable. A user controlled figure or hand which can be moved around the room. Movement is blocked by collision with objects.

Table: Unmovable.

Lamp: Adjustable, Moveable. Lighting of the room should correspond with the placement and angle of the lamp. The lamp should be able to be toggled on and off.

Spider: Moveable (if you can catch it!). Should avoid the avatar and the light from the lamp.

Three Blocks: Moveable. Three blocks of different colors should be stackable. This implies realtime object collision detection and a downward force of gravity.

Painting: Unmovable. Hangs on the wall of the room.

Book: Moveable. Openable. Opening the book should display text either inline or in a pop-up window.

Pen: Moveable. Usable. Using the pen on the book should allow the user to write text in the book.

Sample Illustration (work in progress)