Students Completing the Ph.D. in Robotics by August 2002
Robotics Institute
School of Computer Science,
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 412.268.8525
- Expected Completion: May 2002
- Advisor:
Martial Hebert
- Thesis Topic: Robust Tracking and Structure from Motion for
Robot Navigation
- Research Interests:To apply computer vision and machine learning
techniques to solve real world problems related to robotics, multimedia, etc.
- Citizenship: China
- Email:
- Expected Completion: December 2001
- Advisor:
Martial Hebert
- Thesis Topic: Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Using a
Bearing-only Sensor
- Research Interests:I am interested in computer vision and
nonlinear state estimation, and specifically their applications in
intelligent robotic systems for the exploration of space, underwater,
high atmosphere, and other remote and hazardous environments.
- Citizenship: USA
- Email:
- Telephone: 412.268.7075
- Expected Completion: September 2002
- Advisor:
Anthony (Tony) Stentz
- Thesis Topic: A Market Approach to Multirobot Coordination
- Research Interests: Field robotics, Multi-robot/agent
coordination, dealing with dynamic environments
- Citizenship: Sri Lankan
- Email:
- Telephone: 412.268.7086 (W), 412.268.5895 (Fax)
- Expected Completion: December 2001
- Advisor:
William "Red" Whittaker
- Thesis Topic: Scene Modeling from Motion-Free Radar Sensing
- Research Interests: Field robotics, unmanned ground vehicles,
mmw-radar perception, robot perception
- Citizenship: Chilean
- Email:
- Telephone: 412.681.9527 (W)
- Expected Completion: November 2001
- Advisor:
Chuck Thorpe
- Thesis Topic: Collaborative Control: A Robot-Centric Model for
Vehicle Teleoperation
- Research Interests: Human-computer interfaces, embedded software systems, Web-based systems
and architectures, field and planetary robotics
- Notes: Currently completing thesis research and residing
in Lausanne, Switzerland. Would be especially interested in work
involving international collaboration or project development.
- Citizenship: USA
- Email:
- Telephone: +41 (21) 693.78.14, Fax: +41 (21) 693.65.40
- Expected Completion: Spring 2002
- Advisor:
Martial Hebert
- Thesis Topic: Automatic 3D Modeling from Range Images
(working title)
- Research Interests: 3D Computer Vision, Mobile Robotics
and architectures, field and planetary robotics
- Citizenship: USA
- Email:
- Expected Completion: September 2001
- Advisor:
Hans P. Moravec
- Thesis Topic: The Simulated Evolution of Robot Perception
- Research Interests: Robotics, Embodied Perception, Genetic
- Notes: Looking for an academic position in Canada, Europe or
- Citizenship: Canada
- Email:
- Expected Completion: December 2001
- Advisor:
Illah Nourbakhsh
- Thesis Topic: Learning Probabilistic Models for Robot Control
- Research Interests: My primary interest is in applications of
optimal control, where the model of the controlled system is learned from
observation data. In terms of general research areas, I am interested
in machine learning and optimal control.
- Notes: Although I would prefer to do research, I would also
consider system development and/or technical management positions.
- Citizenship: Bulgarian
- Email:
- Telephone: 412.268.4860
- Expected Completion: June 2002
- Advisors:
Jessica Hodgins,
Irving Oppenheim
- Thesis Topic: Automatic Gait Synthesis for Legged Creatures (tentative title)
- Research Interests: Human and animal motion synthesis,
non-photorealistic rendering, physically based animation and modelling
- Email:
- Expected Completion: July 2002
- Advisors:
Jianbo Shi,
Tai Sing Lee
- Thesis Topic: Computational Models of Perceptual Organization
- Research Interests: Computer vision, biological vision, pattern
recognition, machine learning, data mining, signal processing
- Notes: I am looking for a position in academia or a research lab.
- Citizenship: China
- Email:
- Telephone: 412.268.1420 (W), 412.268.6436 (Fax)