SCS Faculty Awards
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh PA 15213-3891
(412)268-8525 . (412)268-5576 (fax)
Recipients of the David E. Rumelhart Prize
- The David E. Rumelhart Prize, established in 2000, is awarded
annually to an individual or collaborative team making a
significant contemporary contribution to the formal analysis
of human cognition. Mathematical modeling of human cognitive
processes, formal analysis of language and other products of
human cognitive activity, and computational analyses of human
cognition using symbolic or non-symbolic frameworks all
fall within the scope of the award. The David E. Rumelhart Prize
is funded by the Robert J. Glushko and Pamela Samuelson Foundation.
- John R. Anderson,
, Richard King Mellon Professor of Pychology and Computer Science