SCS Student Awards
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh PA 15213-3891
(412)268-8525 . (412)268-5576 (fax)

Simons Graduate Fellows in Theoretical Computer Science
– The Simons Foundation Division for Mathematics and the Physical Sciences offers this fellowship to graduate students with an outstanding track record of research accomplishments. Theoretical Computer Science is unique in that star graduate students working independently produce some of the most intriguing results in the field. The prestigious fellowships will help identify and support these stars and enable them to more fully embrace new collaborations with peers and more senior researchers.

Simons Graduate Fellowship in Theoretical Computer Science

  • Yuan Zhou, Computer Science
    – New Directions in Approximation Algorithms and Hardness of Approximations
    Advisors: Venkat Guruswami, Ryan O'Donnell
    Award: 2012
    SCS Release

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School of Computer Science