Getting Your Money Back from Narconon

Narconon franchises charge between $25,000 and $30,000, require payment in advance, and claim to have a "no refunds" policy. By the time customers realize they've been scammed, they feel Narconon already has their money and there's nothing they can do about it. That's what Narconon wants them to think; Narconon certainly isn't interested in discussing the return of any cash. But they have given refunds to people who were persistent about it. Here is how to get your money back from Narconon.

Stopping Or Reversing Payment

If you paid by check, immediately call your bank and stop payment. If you paid by credit card, call the credit card company and tell them you are disputing the charges. Other forms of payment may also be reversible; contact whatever financial institution you used to transfer the funds. You may be asked to explain the reason you are disputing the charges or seeking to reverse the payment. One reason you could give is that the money was obtained through fraud; see the next section.

Ways in Which Narconon May Have Defrauded You

  1. Were you informed that Narconon is affiliated with the Church of Scientology and is organized on Scientology principles? Narconon always denies this when asked; they are lying.
  2. Did the Narconon franchise claim a 70% or better success rate? These claims are false.
  3. Were you told that any of Narconon's staff were certified chemical dependency counselors?
  4. Did Narconon claim to have in-house medical staff, and were there in fact physicians or registered nurses working fulltime at the facility?
  5. Many Narconon clients arrive with medication needs, ranging from antibiotics for an infected tooth, to antidepressants. Did Narconon dispense all required medications per your physician's instructions?
  6. If you required medical attention due to illness or injury, was appropriate care promptly provided?
  7. Was the facility clean and in good repair, or did conditions differ considerably from what you were led to expect?
  8. Were you promised recreational opportunities such as boating or volleyball, and were they in fact available?
  9. Were you promised ready access to the church of your choice, and was that access provided?
If the answer to any of the above questions is "no", you may have grounds for asserting that Narconon defrauded you and thus is not entitled to keep your money.

Is There a Valid Contract?

  1. Who signed the contract with Narconon? Was this person impaired by drugs or alcohol at the time? If so, the contract may not be valid.
  2. Was the contract signed under duress? For example, if it was signed only after the person was admitted to the facility under emergency circumstances, some parts of it may not be binding.
  3. Who provided the money to pay Narconon's fees? If the payer did not personally sign the contract, they may not be bound by Narconon's "no refund" policy.
  4. Were you provided legible copies of all documents at the time of signing? If not, there may be some dispute about what it was you actually signed, or whether you were fully informed of the terms of the agreement at the time of signing. (If you weren't informed, the contract may not be binding.)

How To Demand Repayment

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Last modified: Sat Aug 2 19:05:01 EDT 2008